Kishore is preparing food in the kitchen and Veena is teaching math formulae to her daughter Pruthvi. On the other side Vijay was getting ready for his work. Kishore gives a voice to everyone in the house to gather at the kitchen to have the breakfast.
Kishore: Bisi Bisi neer dosa is ready(in Kannada).
After having their breakfast, everyone starts to move out to go to their job. After riding for twenty to thirty minutes he reaches his office. As soon as he enters the cabin, he checks his calendar where he had put a red mark for third of October and the present day was third of October. As soon as he sees this, he seemed very excited and calls all of his coworkers.
Vijay: Guys, today our NGO’s mission is to check the brothel area and report it as soon we come out of the area. We have been doing this since last month and this may be the last time that we have to do to.
Vijay had a smile on face and it was like he was waiting for this day. He quickly prepares his bag and takes his file and looks himself in front of the mirror and sets his hair. He tells others that he will be leaving early.
After entering into three houses, he finally enters the house where he met Anjali for the first time which was three weeks ago. He enters into her room.
Vijay: I think this may be the last time that I will be coming here. I think tonight we will be reporting to the cops about this place. Ahh… I…I would want you to come to my house.
Anjali: What no, why would you want me to come to your house?
Vijay: Tell me, whether there is anyone whom you know here and think even they are forced to work?
Anjali: No, I do not know.
Vijay: (interrupting Anjali) are you sure, because I need you be one hundred percent sure about this.
Anjali: Yes. But tell me why do you want me at your house?
Vijay: Its about the people who are involved and most importantly are you ready to give a statement against them?
Anjali: Yes.
Vijay: Ok so listen to me now, we will come with the cops. I will give you a pair of dress and as soon you hear a call to the telephone, wear that dress and get ready.
Anjali: But…
Vijay: Chup.(stop it, in Hindi) and please listen to me.
He leaves the room and goes out of the house and after few minutes all the members of NGO meet outside the brothel area. As soon as it was Ten on the clock, Vijay dials 100.
Telephone ringing from downstairs…
As soon as Anjali hears the telephone ringing, she gets up from her bed and takes a deep breath. It seemed like she was confused whether she should listen to Vijay. But a soon as she hears the owner shouting after receiving the call, she starts to wear the dress and there was an ID card too. Then she comes out of her room.
On the other side cops started entering the house and started arresting every single person who were involved in brothel house. Anjali was in the fourth house from the start and cops were just one house behind.
Vijay enters the house and as soon he enters the owner yells at him saying that this area is being raided by the cops and tells him to run as soon as possible. But Vijay pushes her aside and goes towards the Anjali’s room.
On the other side cops were in front of the fourth house. On the other side Vijay along with Anjali and few other workers were about to go out through the door but Vijay notices that, the cops have already entered the house. He then suddenly hears the footsteps approaching through the stairs. He then tries to escape through the window but when he sees outside, the house was surrounded by cops.
He folds his kerchief and wears that over his face and tells others to do the same. Now Vijay, Anjali were on the rooftop. Cops trying to enter through the staircase and cops surrounding the whole house, Vijay was confused what to do now. He was stuck in between. Since the day he saw Anjali, he had an affection towards her but never spoke about that. He thought that he had to protect her. But never asked her opinion that whether she wanted a protection from him.
He then holds Anjali’s hand, and tells her to just follow what he does. All the other members of NGO start running out of the houses and along with them there were sex workers. After few seconds, a car arrives near the same house. Vijay then tightly holds Anjali’s hand and they both jump off the roof. Both Vijay and Anjali fall on the top of the store which had a cloth ceiling. They managed to enter the car and as soon as they enter the car, the car starts to move and it moves outside the area.
Meanwhile Pruthvi had borrowed a book. She finishes her dinner and goes to bed where she reads the title of the book and the title was ‘What is true love’ she then opens the book…
Inside the book world,
Jack a well-educated man who was not getting any job and because of this he had started selling the flowers which he had grown on his field. His mother was a widow, and was very sick. His father was a street fighter who was killed by some goons. The town where Jack was living was a very small one and there were systems like the head of the village and panchayath. The daughter of the head of the village was a teacher in the village and was considered as the most educated person in the village. She was Sophia. Since last one month she was purchasing flowers from Jack and it seemed that she had an affection towards him.
Linda: Jack, why don’t you find a girl and get married son? You know I am getting aged and there must be someone with you right?
Jack: look here, open your mouth .Yes done. Take this water. Mommy, you worry about how fast you will recover and not about when will I get married ok.
Linda: But son…
Jack: shh. Bye now I have to go to my shop, I will come in the afternoon ok and then I have to go to Lucy’s house too.
Linda: who lucy, my son?
Jack: my friend, mommy. Bye.
As soon as Jack leaves the house, he picks his cycle. Within few minutes he was in front of his shop. Sophia too was one of Jack’s customers. This was the usual routine of both Jack. They may have exchanged few hi and hellos but nothing more than that.
On the other side Sophia used to wake up at six in the morning and after getting bath, she used to prepare the food for her family. Her father was a widower. After serving the breakfast she finally gets ready for her job and on the way for the school she buys flowers from Jack’s shop.
It was Sophia’s birthday. As soon as she reaches the staff room, every other teacher wishes her and she even cuts a cake which was given by her class students. She had no friends except her colleagues so her colleagues had planned a surprise party for her.
After attending the party, she reaches her home. At ten in the night just when she was about to sleep, her father calls her and tells her to come to the hall.
As soon as she enters the hall, she sees that the whole hall was covered with flowers and especially with red rose. After spending a beautiful ten minutes with her father, she asks her father that who did the whole decoration. Father responds by saying that Luther’s son who had a flower shop, he did this.
Next day Sophia visits Jack’s shop and buys two flowers and usual. Just when she was about to leave, she turns back.
Sophia: Excuse me, I got to know that yesterday you made that flower arrangement. It was a beautiful decoration and thank you for that. Can I call you to give you a treat from my side, a birthday treat.
Jack: Thank you mam, it’s not that I did it for free Hehe. I am thankful that you liked my job and I am really thankful for inviting me but I really have some other work today so…
Sophia: Call me Sophia. And please don’t say no, please, please.
After thinking for a while and with a slight smile on his face and one hand scratching his head, Jack says yes. Jack had to meet Lucy on that day. He goes to the nearby telephone booth and calls Lucy and says her that he will be little late to her house.
At 5 in the evening…
Sophia reach near Jack’s shop and they both walk towards the nearby café.
Within few minutes of the walk, they both reach the café and there Sophia tells Jack to order whatever he likes. At first Jack was hesitant to order but after few seconds he says that he would have a coffee. Sophia also orders a coffee.
After half an hour Jack checks the clock and it was very late. He comes out of the café. It seemed like she wanted to continue the chat but Jack was in so much hurry that he leaves by saying bye and as soon he picks his cycle and rides that towards his house.
As soon as he reaches the house, he pours some water to the glass and also serves some remaining food to his mother and tells her that he had kept the medicines near her pillow. Just before leaving he says that he will be late to the house. He rides his bicycle with full of joy and with so much speed that he covers the half an hour distance in just fifteen minutes. He had reached Lucy’s house.
Veena: Pruthvi, you didn’t sleep yet? Its almost midnight baba. Go to sleep, tomorrow you have school.
Pruthvi: Ok amma. I will sleep now.
Pruthvi clearly was annoyed but without any choice she goes to sleep.
Next day at 5 in the morning,
Veena: Kishore, where is Vijay?
Kishore: Far from here for now. But not sure. And the owner of the brothel house may put a case on Anjali and Vijay.
Vijay and Anjali were in a car and were driving towards Uttar Pradesh. They were staying in a stay room on the highway.
Vijay: Now listen to me carefully. Are you ready to give a statement against the owner of the brothel house?
Anjali: Yes, I am ready.
Vijay: Then we must go back to our place but along with the lawyer whom I know. Tomorrow morning, we will be leaving back to our place. And Anjali I want to tell you something…
Anjali: Why a lawyer from here?
Vijay: She is a friend of mine.
Vijay: I want both of us to be together forever. I don’t care what society says. If you like me and if you are ready, can we get married now?
There was an absolute silence for minute or two. It was like both of them did not knew what they spoke and heard. After having a long pause between them, Anjali finally speaks…
Anjali: Yes. I am ready to marry.
Again, there was pause for a minute. Vijay who was standing till there, suddenly falls on the nearby chair. He then takes out the ring and also had a tilak and Mangal sutra on the other pocket.
Anjali: oh my god! You have come with full preparation, but don’t you think your parents will deny this marriage?
At first Vijay decides he will marry her in the same room but then he thinks that if he marries her in front of someone then, they can give a proof at the time of registering the marriage. So, Vijay tells Anjali that they will be leaving to his friend’s house, the same friend who was a lawyer. And says that they will get married in her house only.
Anjali: But it is too dark, don’t you think we will be disturbing her?
Vijay: She is a friend of mine and I have already informed her everything about us.
Both Vijay and Anjali checks out from the motel and drives outwards Lita’s house. After an hour of driving, they finally reach her house. Vijay once again clearly explains everything from the beginning and says her to take the case if they put any. Vijay also requests Lita that can he and Anjali can get married in her house. Lita happily agrees and by thanking her, Vijay goes near Anjali and takes her to the room where there was a photo of god.
As soon as Vijay and Anjali reach in front of the photo, Vijay holds her both hands. He was emotional at that moment and before tying the mangal sutra, he looks at her face and nods his head, even she nods her head and only after that he ties the knot and puts the tilak on her forehead.
After having a nice dinner, Vijay explain what has to be done next and says they have to move to his place tomorrow morning.
Vijay, Anjali and Lita everyone leave in the early morning and after spending half of the day in car they finally reach Vijay’s place and there they directly go to the registration office.
After completing the registration process, they finally reach Vijay’s house at late night. As soon as Vijay sees his house, he takes a deep breath and holds Anjali’s one hand and move towards the door. He knocks at the door. And from the other side of the door, it was Kishore, he quickly tells them come inside.
Veena and Pruthvi were seemed stunned by looking their son. They quickly realize that Lita was with them.
Veena: Did you guys had your food?
Vijay: No, we just reached now.
Then Veena quickly prepares some rice and tomato curry and serves them. After finishing their meal, Veena asks Vijay that how did it all start. Vijay starts to explain from the beginning.
Vijay: It was almost a month ago. Our team got a work that we had to check the working condition of workers in brothel area, there I met her for the first time. There was someone inside her room and I was waiting outside, after few minutes that person came out and she closed the door for few seconds after it opened again. And as soon as I entered, she started to undress herself but when I told to stop and explained my purpose of visit, she sat and we both had a talk for a minute or two. This was how I first met her. After this, I used to meet her at least twice a week.
There was an absolute silence again. More than that when Vijay says he had married Anjali, Kishore and Pruthvi scratch their head. By looking at their reaction Anjali had a doubt.
Everyone leaves the hall and goes to sleep. On the other side Pruthvi was excited to go to sleep as she will be able to read the book again.
She puts a blanket over her and starts to read the book.
Inside the book world,
She was waiting outside her house. She was waiting since half an hour. As soon as she sees Jack, she stands and folds her hands. When she sees Jack slowly walking towards her house, she yells at him to come fast.
Jack: Hehe, sorry. I am really sorry like I had to attend a birthday party.
Lucy: Come in now. I have already finished our presentation and have ironed your coat so now we have to practice how we need to pitch our business idea.
Both Lucy and Jack were planning to start a wholesale store which mainly focuses on distribution of products developed in their village. This would cost them very less amount and this would benefit the company too. So, this was an important meeting for them.
Jack: Hoo thank you miss, I…I was with Sophia. She had invited me for her birthday party.
Lucy: So, tell me, whether we wish them hello or good morning?
Jack: Ah? hmm…I think good morning would work. Are you angry?
Lucy: Now tell me, how is my blue suit?
Jack gets to know that Lucy’s anger is now not under his control so he remains silent for few seconds then grabs some water and drinks it continuously. After taking a deep breath….
Jack: Its very nice.(with an awkward smile).
Their discussion goes on for an hour and when they were fully prepared for tomorrows interview, they finally go to eat dinner. Lucy was alone and just like Jack she was well educated. In fact, they both studied together and were friends since childhood. After having their dinner both Jack and Lucy were sitting on the sofa.
Lucy: Who Sophia? Daughter of the head of the village?
Jack: What? Ha…ha yes…yes. She is Sophia and she invited me like…because she liked had that flower decoration, so she invited me for the party. It was not party, like…it was just me and her in a café.
Lucy: hmm…hmm ok.
Lucy then comes near Jack and lifts his one hand and puts that on her shoulder. And asks are you ready for tomorrow. Till then Jack was really filled with fear and anxiety but when Lucy puts his hand on her shoulder, he starts to smile and was relaxed.
Jack: Yes. I know how important this is for us and for you, so there is no compromise ok. Ok now I need to go, my mom is alone.
Lucy: Ok, but remember tomorrow at seven be ready. I will come to your house and then we will pick a bus.
Jack: Yes miss. Now with your permission may I…
Next day morning at six,
Sharp at 6:55, Lucy was waiting outside the house, They both pick a bus and move towards the city.
Around at eight thirty in the morning, Sophia as usual comes near Jack’s shop but sees that it was closed. She had decided that today she will be expressing her feeling for him.
Previous night in Sophia’s house,
After coming back from the café, she gets back in her usual works. She thinks a lot and mainly thinks about his family after few hours she goes near her father.
Veena: Pruthvi, didn’t sleep yet? Do you want me to come there and take that book?
Pruthvi: No amma, sorry I am sleeping now.
Next day at eight in the morning,
Vijay gets a call from his friend and after speaking with his friend, he gathers everyone in the hall.
Vijay: They have filed a complaint. Ahh…not on Anjali but they have filed a complaint on me and my colleagues for helping them to escape.
After discussing for few minutes, Anjali and Kishore go their room where….
Vijay: You do not worry ok; we have a lawyer and this won’t be a mess I will promise you that.
Anjali: Everything is happening so fast and it is confusing to digest all these.
Vijay: It’s not just affection now, we are more than that and this mess is because of me so I have to take risk right. Don’t worry you will be safe here and I will be safe wherever I am.
After few hours, Cops take Vijay with them and Lita prepares for a bail, till then Vijay was in police custody.
Anjali and Lita were together. They both were trying to get a bail.
Next day afternoon,
Lita: They didn’t grant bail. Now we have to fight the case in court.
Anjali was ready for this and says that she will give a statement saying how they were treated in brothel houses. She thinks by giving this statement, it may help Vijay to prove how he was just trying to save them.
Next day in the court,
Lita and Anjali try very hard to prove that Vijay is innocent but on the other side the owner of the brothel house and the state had a case on Vijay, and they had strong reason to say what Vijay did was wrong. The judge postpones the hearing after a week. And says that Vijay has to be in custody only.
Same day, around ten in the night,
After having dinner everyone goes to sleep but it seemed like no one were able to sleep because of the situation that they were in. Meanwhile, Pruthvi finally gets to read her book again…
In the book world,
Sophia goes near her father and talks about her feelings towards Jack. Surprisingly her father agrees for their relationship and says that even he will with her when she goes to Jack’s house. Present day morning when Sophia sees that Jack’s shop was closed, she goes to her usual work and after coming back to her house, both Sophia and her father go to Jack’s house.
They both knock at the door, Linda opens the door and when she sees it was the head of the village, she welcomes them inside the house. There Sophia explains the situation and also influences Linda by saying how wealthy their family is. Linda who was very poor and knew that Jack should have a bright future agrees for the relationship without asking Jack.
It was nine in the night and both Jack and Lucy were walking towards the village and they looked very sad.
Lucy: I am ready to be here and you can go with your mother and give her good treatment in UK.
Jack: Can’t we both stay here? Like its our plan and why one has to go there and coordinate there and one has to remain here and look after the progress?
Lucy: No. The fact that they agreed to this project is big thing, we can’t argue with them.
They both were having the same conversation about who will stay here and who move. They were confused and were scared that they may have to move separate ways as one had to compulsorily go to UK, so that they can fulfill their dream. Jack goes to Lucy’s house and sleeps there overnight.
Next day morning,
Jack comes to his house at early morning and as soon as he enters the house through back door, he sees that his mother was already awake and was waiting for him. She discuss about what Sophia spoke with her and how she agreed for their marriage. Jack was in a bad mood and when he hears this news, he yells at his mom at first, but after a minute of talking with her he comes to know what was the reason behind she saying yes. Jack loves his mother more than anyone and even tho he knew what she did was wrong but he thinks that this may be his chance to tell Lucy to go to UK and he also knew that how he and his mother have suffered without money.
Jack: Give me some time mom, I need to talk to someone.
Linda: Jack? Listen to me beta(son in Hindi).
Few days pass, Jack was still in confusion and Lucy was worried about their project. Jack decides to go to Lucy’s house finally. When he goes in front of her house, he sees that she was sitting outside as if she was waiting for him…
Jack: miss, my mother have arranged or at least have spoken about my relation with Sophia. I really do not know what to do. I don’t want to leave you too. but on the other side my mom is sick and she thinks the head will help us financially. She thinks that me and Sophia are in a good relation.
Lucy then holds Jack by his hand and sleeps on his lap and says that…
Lucy: Ay, it will be ultimately your decision. I know I am being foolish here but you need to take care of your mother too right.
Jack: miss, but I…
Lucy: No. if you speak more, I may change my mind so stop and do what your mom says, do what you feel is good for your mother.
After three months,
Jack was now married to Sophia. Lucy was in UK. At the same time Jack seemed happy with Sophia. It seemed like he had no regrets for leaving Lucy. Both Jack and Lucy would talk on phone for once in a week.
Jack: Sophia, come I have prepared your favorite dinner.
Just when he was about to serve the dinner, he gets a call from Sophia. They both talk for few minutes. And after some time when he started to serve dinner to Sophia.
Meanwhile Lucy knew that Jack had accepted this marriage so that she could go to UK and enjoy her life there. But did really Jack accept the marriage because of Lucy? Or because of his mother or because he wanted to marry Sophia as even, he thought this would solve their problems. No one knows excepts Jack that why he accepted this proposal all of a sudden.
Pruthvi closes the book. She had finished the book and she was confused after reading what she read.
On the other side, He thinks that whether he truly loves Anjali or is he just attracted by her beauty. Even he doesn’t know that why is he thinking all of this. But this thought remains in his mind.
Meanwhile Anjali was in her bed, it seemed like she had not got sleep yet. She starts to think that she had agreed to this marriage thinking that she would be safe. She thinks that to be safe did she marry Vijay. Even she didn’t know that why this thought came to her, but it got stuck in her head.
Next day In the afternoon,
Both Lita and Anjali goes to the police station they also brought food for Vijay. Anjali and Vijay stare at each other and smile towards each other but never speak a word.
After few days,
Court grants bail for Vijay and says that he is innocent as his motive was for a good cause. Vijay finally comes to his house after a week and Veena, Kishore think that their son will have a happy family and will be happily living with Anjali.
For outside world Vijay and Anjali were a happy couple. Their neighbors start to talk how beautiful their relationship is. But was it? Since the day both Vijay and Anjali had a thought about their marriage, they both were never the same.
Years pass and both Anjali and Vijay were still a couple. Couple who had no much connection between themselves, who had no much interest towards each other, who just used to act like couple when there are others around. Suddenly Anjali gets a thought that whether just being couple mean they have a true love? But she herself was in such a position that before searching for an answer, she knew what was the answer.
It has been almost a year since Vijay had one thought. He thinks that he married Anjali mainly because she was beautiful. But after a year he is thinking that is beauty the only thing that he had to see to marry someone? He knows that what connection they both had when they met is not there now. When he thinks about his current situation even he gets the for his question.
Till the day both got a provoking thought about themselves, they used to think that they love each other. As said, to the outside world, they both were ideal couple. Whatever may be the reason, what Vijay did in the beginning was something courageous. In the same way the way how Anjali fought against the system and for Vijay was also a courageous. But does that mean both Vijay and Anjali had an affection, love towards each other? No one knows.
Meanwhile Pruthvi always had a thought about what is true love? But as soon as she gets this thought she used to think about how her brother fought for her sister-in-law and how her sister-in-law always fought for her brother.
Ultimately the question is what is true love. Whether Vijay ever had any feelings for Anjali and in the same way whether she had any feelings for Vijay? On the other side if we see the characters in the book which was being read by Pruthvi, Jack had an affection, love towards Lucy but he married Sophia. They both shared a serious feeling for each other but when Lucy goes to UK, we never know whether she is married to someone else as she never speaks about that with Jack. But having a feeling and not sharing about that even when you know that you may the lose the other, is that the true love? Jack thinks he married Sophia so that Lucy can go to UK, whether this sacrifice is considered as true love? Sophia spoke with Linda and makes her believe that she can help her and Jack, even tho she loved him but she never knew that Jack had another love. Whether Sophia’s affection towards Jack can be called a true love? Jack and Sophia are living happily, but was Jack acting like he likes Sophia, we will never know. Main reason why Jack marries Sophia is because of his mother, so can we call Jack’s affection towards his mother as true love?
In the both world that is in the life of Vijay and Anjali and Jack, Sophia and Lucy, there is a bit of contradictory situation. Even tho Vijay and Anjali are a married couple, they are not happy. So, whether married couple should be considered as a couple sharing true love?
What Is True Love? A question that has to be answered.
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