This story is completely fictional and does not represent any person or a thing in real life. Even if there is any reference about real life person and thing its completely unintentionally done and not with any purpose. This story is based on two people named Jack and Robert who are treasure hunters and this story is about how these two set their journey to collect the treasure in the island located in southern Asia named The Fortune island otherwise famously known as The Island of Death because one who went there in search for search of treasure never returned except Robert. This story also includes the Kindle island located near the treasure island. The protagonists of the story are somewhere from European country. This story is set in the middle of 800AD.
Chapter 1
The Family Matters
Lightning flashed and thunder boomed, large waves were approaching and hitting hardly to the near by rocks. It was the dark night and Robert who was 15 years old at that time, along with his father vector and his grandfather Jacob to find the treasure. The island of death is full of primitives and doesn’t allow any outsider to enter their island. But only the officers of the Kindle island are allowed to come into the treasure island because the treasure island is partially controlled by the Kindle island. These things were already known by the Robert’s grandfather and they entered the island were primitives came to know that there are some people who disguised as the officers or soldiers of the Kindle island. Primitives came to know that Jacob and his party were the intruders and they are here to find the treasure. At that time Jacob, Vector and Robert just came to know where is the dragon’s cave. Suddenly they hear the sounds of primitives yelling that, they will kill the intruders in a brutal way, when Vector heard this he hurries his father and son to run and they start to run towards the boat at seashore. They run towards boat just when one primitive throws his spear towards Jacob and that spear directly strikes into Jacob’s heart where he dies and by seeing this Vector gets very emotional and urges to fight the primitives and he forces Robert to sit in the boat and leave this island. Vector fights the primitive until he finally gets wounded and dies.
Robert suddenly wakes up from his bed as couldn’t resist remembering the tragic events that happened with his father and grandfather, 40 years have passed he is now married and has a son named Jack. Now Robert his 55 years old and today is his birthday and on this occasion Robert explains everyone what happened 40 years ago and after his father’s and grandfather’s death how he landed somewhere in Europe country and he also explains how he did various jobs to survive and also explain how he met the love of his life Linda. Everyone is the hall will get emotional when they hear the story of Robert. In the same occasion Jack confess that he love someone and has also decided to marry her, he says that her name is Lucy and also introduces her to everyone. All members in the hall are shocked and some are even happy that Jack has found his partner for life. Robert and Linda are happy that now their son has become responsible and as Robert and Linda already knew Lucy so they agreed to this marriage.
Two year passes and Lucy and Jack are now married and expecting a baby. Suddenly Robert and his family hears the news about the treasure in the Island of Death. They hear that two treasure hunters who went to find treasure are found dead and their body was found floating in the sea. Robert by seeing this tells to Linda that usually primitives kill people who come to find treasure but they never throw the dead body into the sea. According to Robert, he believes that primitives are doing this to show their power or their level of protecting the treasure. Robert tell that he always wanted to find that treasure even if he didn’t use it he just wanted to find the treasure and he thinks if he collects the treasure that will be the success of his revenge towards the primitives. When Jack hears all these, he gets motivated to collect that treasure and he also thinks that if they get that treasure it will be very helpful for their family. Jack and Robert discuss about going to the island of death, Robert scolds Jack and tells that you and me have a wife and you are also becoming father and as a father I can’t let you do that.
Jack: father, even your wish is to take that treasure at least if not for the value but at least to avenge. Papa nothing will happen to me or at least I won’t let anything happen to you.
Robert feels proud for his son that his son cares him a lot and he wants to keep his family happy and tells his son that OK we will go on a mission and get that treasure back with us. They discuss this with their wives and as both of their wives were courageous, they agreed to it without any tension, both Jack and Robert were both shocked and happy that they agreed this fast.
Chapter 2
The Master Plan
As they decided to set a journey to the island of death now, they have to create a plan a “Master plan” because as Robert already knew the island and he is the only one survivor who returned from that island. Robert knew that it was not easy at all, he says that everybody fears about only the primitives but there is much more than that. He says that there are two dragons who are twins and they are very deadly. Robert first tells the history and the how is the situation of the island now to Jack. He says that only Kindle Island officers are allowed to go to that island. Once we enter, we need to show the proof of being an officer of the Kindle Island. After showing proof then we are free to move anywhere, anytime and we can stay there for any number of days. After getting in we need to find the special sword called The Scorpion from which we kill the second and the first dragon. Robert tells that he doesn’t know much about the sword and the dragons but he hears his father telling that the magical sword can be only found in the only lake in the island called The Lake of Purity which is defended by some unknown specie. Robert tells that primitives never went to collect that treasure not because they think its sacred but they fear about the dragon, Robert says that according to him primitives never entered the cave of the dragon because of fear. He says that he predict this because if they wanted that treasure badly and were courageous then they should have taken it by know its almost 45 years now. Robert also tells that now he doesn’t know what may be the condition of the island as it’s almost 45 years. Jack asks Robert that how we will enter the island? Robert replies that we have to create a fake ID and we need to buy the uniform of the Kindle island officers. Once we get there we need to behave like the officers so we need to learn how they behave, how they act and everything about their culture and about their government activities too. I have a friend whose name is Albert, who is in the army of the Kindle Island who may help us said Robert. I am scared says Jack. Even I am nervous as this is matter of our life says Robert.
Jack: So when we start to prepare?
Robert: In three to four days tomorrow I will send the letter to Albert and he will be here. After that we can start our journey.
Why would he be helping us said Jack. His father was also a treasure hunter and he got murdered there and Albert was born here in our land but flee there with his mother only to know what is happening in the island of death and why only Kindle island’s soldiers are allowed there to go. Said Robert.
After 5 days, Albert arrives to the place of Robert’s and Robert along with Jack explains about their journey and why they want to do it. Albert says that Once he had been to the Kindle island as a soldier, he says that we have to our own foods and cloths if we are staying there because primitives have no mercy to share their food even when somebody is dying because of thirst. Once we enter the island as soldier we can walk anywhere there is no restriction for that. But you need to be like soldier that is Kindle island’s soldier never ask anything about the treasure or the route towards it, and you shouldn’t never carry guns inside the island. Now its almost 6 years sins I joined as the soldier and I went only once to the island of death and I know only this much about that island. Thanks Albert that was very useful information, said Robert.
After 1 month, Robert and Linda are in the bed and Robert tells Linda that tomorrow is the day where we set our journey and I am nervous. Linda says that its all ok I love you and I have a confidence that you will return alive. On the other hand Jack and Lucy are in the yard and looking at the starts, Jack tells that he loves Lucy and their child, if he not returns from that island tell that champ that I always loved him. Lucy gets emotional and tells that you will return and you will see your child growing in front of you and we will be happy together. I don’t know what will happen from tomorrow, I hope today will not be the last day of our married life says Jack. Jack holds Lucy’s hand and they both sleep in the yard. The day has arrives both Robert and Jack had already purchased a boat and painted it as the Kindle island army’s boat. Both Robert and Jack leaves the house and they both have packed enough of a food for at least 5 – 8 days. They both look at their wives and waves their hand at them and leave the house. They both arrive at port and starts their journey.
Chapter 3
The Beginning of the Journey
They started their journey from their continent towards the island of death. It was about 3 days of journey to that island and the sea route is said as one of the deadliest sea routes, as the waves are very big and this sea is also known for various dangerous aquatic species like giant Octopus, and water Dragons. Thunders roaring and lightning strikes, Jack asks Robert that whether they are going in the right path at that time an old man who is drinking the tender coconut in his small boat tells them that ‘this is not the right path move left’ and starts to drink his tender coconut again, then Robert remembers that he was the same man who guided Robert’s grandfather then. Jack asked Robert that why this guy is guiding them or he is guiding them? Robert says even I don’t know but this was the same guy that guided us back then and I think we should believe him and move on. Suddenly a giant wave hit the boat and Robert loose control over the ship but nothing happens to them and they continue sailing. Both Robert and Jack were very scared about the journey as there were many monsters under the sea but nothing harms them and now they can see the island of death from their eye sight. Robert tells Jack to wear the uniform and ID and Robert hugs Jack and tells that everything will be all right and we will complete our vengeance, they both look at each other and continue to sail. They finally reach the island and park their boat and take a deep breath before keeping their feet in that island. They also had a recorder which they carried through their journey. When they landed on that island they saw bunch of primitives running towards them they started to talk something in their own language which our protagonists did not understand anything, suddenly an English speaking guy from the middle of primitives appear and explain them that primitives are telling to show you IDs. Both Robert and Jack are shocked that Robert never knew that there was English speaking guy there ever. Then they ask that guy about how he came there, English speaking guy tells that his name is Adam and he also belongs to the primitives but he says that he knows to write and read basic English upon being asked about his background and how did he learn English, Adam refuses to tell anything. However they show their ID as proof and tells them that they will be here for around 6 days as they are assigned so that Kindle government fears that there may arrive some groups of pirates to take the treasure. All primitives believe this blindly and agrees with them because even primitives are both scared and they care a lot for treasure so even they fear what if pirates arrive and loot the treasure so primitives agree with soldiers and as always primitive can’t say no to the soldiers of Kindle island. Primitives and Robert & Jack both move towards the center of island and stay in the house that is separately given to the soldiers. Robert remembers the old days when along with his father and grandfather and realize how bad was the condition of that island. He remembers that there was no proper house or any building or at least any proper food system for them. But now whole island is changed although there is no proper infrastructure here but still it has developed a lot thinks Robert.
It’s almost midnight and Jack & Robert finished their lavished dinner and are about to sleep. Jack takes the photo of Lucy from his pocket and gets emotional. Robert motivates Jack and says that ‘don’t get emotional nothing will happen, we just started our mission and there is a lot to go. This is just the beginning so just focus on the mission. Jack keeps the photo of Lucy inside his pocket again and they sleep.
Its around 6 in the morning and both Jack & Robert are fully ready with their uniform and roaming around the cave of dragons and around the market of the island. They were observing the movements of the primitives and their daily habits. Robert tells Jack that primitives have changed a lot and now they simply do not doubt on anyone or anything like before. He tells Jack that nowadays primitives are not exactly like how is faced them 45 years ago. While moving towards the market Jack asks his father, why only Kindle island officers or soldiers are allowed to enter this island? Robert looks at Jack and tells that Kindle island takes the control of their near by small island and Fortune island is one of them. Jack questions Robert that then why didn’t they loot the treasure?
Robert: Even I don’t know if they had a motive to loot, they would have been by now right!
Jack: How do we know that they didn’t loot?
Robert: There is a rule my son, that whenever any island or any takes the treasure from the Fortune island, 50% of that treasure will be given to the king of Europe and if they do not do that the whole people of that or island will be killed without any mercy. Europe king has a secret agency in all the islands near by the Fortune island so our king comes to know everything about the treasure.
If our king is that powerful then why he never attacked this island, asks Jack. Robert replies that because of the promise given to his mother. What promise papa? It’s a whole separate story in it son, it would like to tell that some other day.
They both reach the market and buys two big jars of water. Robert tells Jack that today we just observe the people and their reaction and not do any activities related the treasure do you understand? And another thing we will fill this water in small plastics so that it will be easy to carry. I will keep my tape recorder ready and tomorrow we will start the journey.
Jack: Ok father.
They both wake up early in the morning and get ready with their bag and move out of their house. They tell Adam that they are moving towards forest because they think that pirates may be hiding there and Robert also tells that they may not return back for 2-3 days. Adam agrees to them and shakes his hand and move on. Even though Adam agrees to them but inside his heart he has a doubt about their strange behavior and his doubt even become stronger when they said that they will move towards the forest which is very close to the Dragon’s cave. Even though Adam doubts them but he can’t do anything or complain against them so goes back to his village.
On the other hand, Jack and Robert starts their journey and Robert also keeps his recorder on, to record his journey. As soon as they move far away from the village in They get to see different types of trees which are huge and Robert thinks most of those plants and trees are poisonous. It’s about 2 hours since they started their journey and Jack asks Robert that are we going on the right path or its just guess? Robert looks around him and says ‘We are on the right path’. Just move without making any sound son, do you understand? Yes, yes Papa replies Jack.
Its almost 5 hours now and Robert tells jack that we will stay beneath that large tree to eat our lunch. They both finish their lunch and starts their journey again. Jack asks Robert that whether we are going first to the cave or to the lake of purity? I think its better to go to the cave first, we don’t know what is defending that lake so we can’t take risk there where as if we move towards the cave, we may get some information about cave and even about dragons. Now after half an hour they finally see the entrance of the first cave. Alright son it’s time to start the real journey.
Chapter 4
The Struggle
Both Jack and Robert enter the cave. Robert switches on his torch and sees whole cave is covered with different types of creepers and most of them had giant black or golden flowers in it. They start to move inside the cave, suddenly they see a rock which is as big as a human is flying towards them and it is about to hit them suddenly then Robert pushes Jack aside, and Robert himself jumps aside and he does that at right moment otherwise rock would have smashed the flesh out of him. Jack runs towards Robert and asks him did anything happen to you? Ah no son, I just got hurt on my knees, its ok we will move on. No dad we will stay here for while ok, no son we are in the middle of the plan and you can’t ruin it we will move nothing will happen says Robert. I am ruining it, are you crazy just think that we just entered the cave and we would have died by this rock and its just the beginning we don’t know what may be coming ahead. What would you think son, that we will enter the cave kill the dragons and take that treasure with such ease, no this is not how you think it should be, this is how it will be and it is worth the reward son understand…? Ok father just on one condition, if you ever get into trouble again, we are aborting this do you agree? No definitely no because we came till here and I don’t want to go home with empty hands son. Empty hands! Dad, I am having a doubt that whether we will reach home! says Jack angrily.
Son nothing will happen to me, don’t worry everything will be fine. Its just a scratch on my knee that’s it don’t worry…. And this is just the beginning we have plenty more things to explore son. Jack cries, says for treasure I can’t and I won’t risk my life and even your dad.
I understand son, now focus on the plan and if anything happens to me again, we will see then, now don’t worry, ok? Yes, father says Jack. They start to move again about ten minutes later they encounter a very old man who looks like a vizard and has a fire in his palm. ‘Come on my brave warriors’ he says that to Robert and Jack. They both were shocked as they believed that nobody is here and when they see that old man having a fire in his palm, they both get scared and shocked. Old man loudly says his name as The Deadman. He continues to talk and says that nobody has came till in their process to collect the treasure. You both have come and it means that you both are special and people who have only strong will to collect that treasure can surpass that rock. That rock there was my creation and it was just mind illusion, I made your mind to believe that there is a rock coming near you and its going to hit you. If your will was not stronger and just give up there you will be hit by that rock in your imagination even though you don’t get any physical hurts but you will land in the lake of purity where Kintara will kill you.
Robert suddenly sees his knee and there is no scratch which was there before. He asks the Deadman that he got hurt and still he is here how? As I said earlier of course even you were feared at one time but your will and motive to collect the treasure was far more than your fear you just didn’t give up that’s why you are here. Robert asks who is Kintara? I just knew that there is lake and some specie is protecting it. That specie is Kintara, servant of the scorpion whose sword is protected by that lake, says the wizard. I am here to guide you, I am the Deadman the first one to enter this cave and fight the dragon but the dragon almost killed me and when I used my skills to stop it decided that it’s better to punish me for life time than killing me at once so now I am not alive nor dead, I cant feel anything, I don’t have emotions nor hunger this is the curse that I got from that dragon but I used this for good whoever come finding the treasure I help them rather them misguiding them. Robert asks why did you decide to help? If that dragon dies, I will be freed at least I can die peacefully says wizard. What if dragon comes to know about this says jack? Robert says dragon only wakes up when we go near to that so now its sleeping so don’t worry. Ok warriors now you need to go to the lake of Purity and defeat Kintara so that you can get the sword of the Scorpion says wizard. We are humans not wizards to defeat that Kintara or any specie says Jack angrily. Ok how does that Kintara look or how does he fight? Asks Robert. Kintara is beast who is waiting for humans to come near the lake just that he can eat them because he didn’t eat anything since he came to protect the lake. How do we kill that? Asks Robert. Did you see those black and golden flowers, you need to take that and go to west where find a door hidden inside some bush in the ground, if you put these flowers in the near by basket the door will open where you can get a black sword from which you can defeat the Kintara. But in order to pluck those flowers you need to sacrifice one thing which you love the most says wizard. Both Jack and Robert look each other’s face and Robert decides to put his chain which had a locket gifted by Linda. Wizard says that if that thing is not the thing which you love the most you won’t be able to pluck the flowers and you have only one chance. Jack fears and asks Robert that are you sure dad this is the thing which you love most by looking at that locket? Robert says just come with me and look how I pluck those flowers. When they reach near the flowers Robert easily pluck those flowers and takes a deep breath and asks now can we move to get that Black sword. Deadman shakes his head and tells them that you need to put that sword in Kintara’s heart only then you can defeat him and don’t forget once you enter the sword into Kintara’s heart you shouldn’t allow him to touch the water from the lake and he also says he has now got a hope that he can be freed and says that he can’t give any of his powers to them because if he does that, he will be sent to the cave of the second dragon. Wizard says he will be here all the time so if you guys defeat Kintara and come back with the Scorpion’s sword he will guide them to kill the first dragon.
They both start their journey to collect the black sword. It’s about 3 hours, they both get tiered and they decide to sit under coconut tree so that they can have something to eat. Jack stressfully tells that we have been walking from almost 3 hours but we still haven’t found any door where is it, angrily he throws a medium sized rock to his right, when rock fells to the ground, there comes the sound of a rock hitting a wooden thing and not a soil. So, they both go to check that sound accidently they found the secret wooden door, Robert puts flowers into that basket and door opens. When they go inside the door there, they find The Black sword. Both Robert and Jack get happy and they start their journey to the Lake of Purity.
When they reach the lake of purity, they see the beast ‘Kintara’ sleeping. When they both go near to the kintara it wakes up and holds Robert by his neck and on the other side Jack puts rope to the neck of the kintara and suddenly kintara fall to the ground, it releases its hand from Robert and suddenly Robert inserts his sword to the heart of kintara and kintara dies. Both Robert and Jack are in shock and Jack ask Robert that did that thing die? Robert laughs and tells, son we just killed a beast. They both hug each other and both go under the lake where they see a giant gate opening as they reach near to that. They both go inside and see a golden colored sword; Robert picks up the sword and they both move out of the lake. When they both come outside the lake, they see the sword and the sword was shining, both Robert and Jack feel happy as they finally got the sword from which they can kill the dragons. Now they move towards the cave and finally meet the wizard. Wizard looks very happy and delighted and welcomes them “my dear warriors you have achieved something which nobody achieved till now, I am proud of you dear sons”. Now there is something more important to do. You have to kill the dragon only then you can get the treasure. Now I will tell you everything about how to kill the first dragon. Robert says that we just know that if dragon if dragon screams at someone and fires at that person that person will be turned into stone and they cannot be brought back into life. ‘That’s wrong’ says wizard they can be brought back into life but only if you kill the dragon, now listen to me! Wizard continues to tell that there is a crystal beneath the dragon’s rock where it rests so you when you kill the dragon you have to insert that sword into that crystal, if you do that there you will get the divine water, you have to sprinkle that
water into the person who got stoned then you can bring them back. ‘Wah such a great creation of god’ replies Jack. It’s not a creation of the god, as far as I know it’s the creation of the Scorpian. Please don’t ask me about that again, I don’t know anything it’s all rumors and even I was a traveler who came here for treasure so let’s talk about killing the dragon. If you go straight there you will get the rest place of the dragon. The sword which you have only from that sword you can kill the dragon. So now how does the dragon look, it is very vast in size and it has a bad eye sight so you can easily enter its place but without making any noise because it has sharp ears. It has a thin long tail like thing in both the sides in his face so if you manage to cut that, then you will just kill the dragon but as soon as you go near to that thing, dragon wakes up so be careful. Robert sighs and tells Jack to start moving, they both thank wizard. Wizard says this is not goodbye I will meet you in the cave of second dragon.
They start to move towards dragon. After 20-30 minutes of their walk, they finally see the dragon’s rest place. When they see the dragon in front of them, they are shocked by its size and Jack puts his one foot backward as he was little bit scared by seeing the dragon, he calls Robert and tell that ‘Are you sure that we will fight that giant dragon over there’, No replies Robert. What do you mean by no asks Jack? ‘I will fight the dragon and you will cut its tail,’ said Robert. But no papa I already told you that you will not be risking your life for this quest. Son, you need to believe me as I said earlier nothing will happen to me you need to just believe me that’s it my son. Ah! I knew this father, but anyway no one can stop you, now tell me what I have to do. I will first go in front of the dragon and hit it with a stone as soon as it wakes up it just tries to turn me into stone, we don’t have much time as soon as I go near to it you need to go from behind and distract it, then I will try to cut its tail and once I cut its tail the dragon will not die suddenly so I will pass the sword to you and you need to quickly insert the sword into the crystal. Father it’s too risky, yes but the reward is also big son so we need to do this says Robert. Robert slowly starts to move towards dragon as soon he reaches too close to the dragon it wakes up and sees Robert in front of them. As soon as it sees him it and fires at him, Robert out of fear slips down and quickly goes behind the rock. Due to the force of the dragon’s fire, rock turns into pieces. Robert tells Jack to distract it from behind. Jack puts diesel into the back of the dragon and set it with fire. Dragon turs back at directly look at Jack out of pain it screams very loud and throws fire at Jack and Jack turn into stone. No! Robert cries as he sees Jack turning into stone.
As soon as Jack is turned into stone, Robert inserts his Scorpion’s sword to the stomach part of the Dragon and it screams in pain as soon as Dragon is about throw its fire Robert runs and cut its right side’s tail, due to it Dragon loses its balance and it is about to fall. Robert quickly goes on other side and cut its another tail too due to this Dragon died and it falls upon the crystal. Robert cries and says ‘oh god, why are you testing us so much, my son is turned into stone and now I can’t even cut the crystal, says Robert cryingly. Robert suddenly sees there is something written on the sword he reads it and as soon as he completes reading it dragon starts to turn into dust. By seeing this Robert start to smile and finally Dragon fully turns into dust. As soon as Robert sees the crystal, he inserts his sword and tear apart the crystal. As soon as he inserts his sword, red colored water drops from the crystal, he collects palm full of water and sprinkle it over Jack.
As soon as Robert sprinkles the water over Jack, he turns into normal and as he sees his father in front of his eyes, he hugs him and cries. ‘We did it son, we did it’ says Robert. Thank you, father tells, Jack. But how did you do this? It’s a long story my son, I will tell you on the way, come on we have to meet the Deadman again let’s go tells Robert. On the other hand, wizards in his mind thinks that ‘No one can beat the dragon. I am the Deadman and even I couldn’t do it then how can they do such a dangerous job. I think I shouldn’t have told them anything about this at all, I just killed the lives of innocent’. Suddenly wizard hears the Robert screaming ‘We did it, we killed the dragon’. Wizard runs towards them and his face was filled with shock. Robert and Jack run towards Wizard and thank him saying that ‘You are the one who helped us to kill that dragon, thanks a lot’. Wizard tells them that he never believed that they will kill the dragon and he also say that he was regretting about his decision to send both of you in there. Well, done my worriers now its time to rest, tomorrow we will go to the cave of second dragon. But you said you can’t come from here then we have to stay here? asks Jack. As you have already killed the dragon, by now I should have been dead but still I am alive but somehow, I am alive so now I can travel with you but I can’t use any of my skills yet because still one dragon is alive so for now, I can travel with you. That’s great but where we are going now? I know a place where we can rest at least tonight so you follow me and we will rest there says wizard. Thanks again Deadman tells Robert and they both follow wizard.
Next day wizard wakes up both Robert and Jack and tell them to pack their bag and start to move quickly towards the second cave. On the way wizard also tells them about the second dragon, he says that second dragon is deadlier than the dragon that you killed but as you killed the first dragon, it has lost some of his powers, even this dragon has to be killed by the Scorpion’s sword. I can’t use my powers and even I can’t fight with it, I will just give you the path or the way how to fight it. You need to insert the sword into dragon’s eye and if dragon fires at someone, now they won’t get stoned they will just die, remember this.
They start to move towards the cave. When they are about to reach the cave, they hear a loud scream from inside the cave, wizard tells them that the Dragon has waken up and it knows that its brother has been killed. Now this is the final obstacle in our way, if we kill this you will get your reward.
They enter the cave and the whole temperature of cave is very high and by this wizard comes to know that Dragon is near by and it is waiting for them. Wizard says “I can only guide you till here, now you know where the dragon is and you have the sword with you” But…. Interrupts Robert with dull voice “No my warriors let me complete my sentence, I know you guys have really made a hard work to reach till here and its almost there so keep up your hope I know you both will come back safe”. They both go inside as soon as wizard completes his talk and wizard wish them all the good luck. As soon as they enter into the cave, they see a giant dragon which is as big as the first dragon that they killed but this one looked more violent and aggressive.
They slowly move near the dragon and Robert attacks dragon with sword and inserts it into its leg. Out of pain dragon swings its tail and it hits Jack very hardly and he falls down and hits to a near by rock. On the other hand, Robert without noticing that Jack has fallen down continues to fight. Robert hits dragon with sword and strikes him two times into its heart and stomach. Dragon continuously keep firing at Robert but keeps jumping and running from it. Finally, dragon hold Robert by its leg and try to fire at him at same time from front a giant sword hit to the heart of the dragon and when Robert turns it’s the Deadman. “I always said I can’t use my powers but never said that I can’t fight with my sword”. Robert smiles and says “We will finish this”. Dragon leaves its leg from Robert and as soon as when it tries to remove the giant sword, wizard loudly calls Robert and says to insert the sword into its eye.
Robert stands and jump to the nearby rock and from there he jumps into the giant sword and finally he jumps into Dragon’s head and then he inserts his sword into its eye.
“Haha, we did it my warrior, we did it! You killed the monster dragon and proved that you are the real owner of the treasure, proud of you my warrior”.
We, did it? Really? Asks Robert and he suddenly notices that Jack is nowhere, wizard sees him near the rock. Robert runs towards him and see there is a large wound in his stomach and he is unconscious. Wizard checks his pulse and also checks the blood in his stomach and says with Robert that “He won’t survive, there is a poison in his blood because only dragon attacked him in one or the other way and even his pulse are decreasing” No nothing will happen to him, No! Jack wakes up we killed the dragons and treasure is waiting for us, your family is waiting for you, son wake up please. Robert cries.
Jack: Lucy (in low voice)
Jack slowly drops his hand from Robert and wizard tell Robert that Jack is no more. Robert cries, hits his head into nearby rock until wizard stops it and consoles Robert. Robert tries to take his own life as he thinks he destroyed his family and his son’s life for the sake of treasure, when he tried to stab himself, wizard uses his powers and throws scorpion’s sword. Wizard tells “There is one way from which your son can be brought back into life again”, What is that? Asks Robert. Wizard looks into Robert’s eye says by holding his hand he says that “By taking his own life”.
Robert at first says no but in his heart, he thinks that by any means if his son would return, he will do it. “I know what you are going through now, its ok I am ready to sacrifice my life for a brave worrier. He has family which is very precious and which I don’t have with me. I am ready to do it and I don’t want your permission to do that” says The Deadman. The Deadman holds the hand of Jack and chant some mantras and after that he scratch his hand with knife and the blood from his hand drops into Jack’s palm. Slowly The Deadman starts to fall and at same time Jack starts to open his eyes. When Robert sees Jack getting up, he hugs him and says the whole story. The Deadman smiles and says to Robert that he is happy that at least he helped them in their journey and his death helped someone to live their life. By saying this he dies. Both Jack and Robert bury The Deadman inside the cave. Jack takes some soil from the place where wizard was buried and says, “He will never forget that he is still alive because of him and he can feel wizard whenever he sees that soil”.
Last Chapter
Both Jack and Robert go inside the cave and finally reach the place and see a mountain of gold coins, crowns, diamonds and many more stuffs. Robert feels proud about his son and himself and both happily grab as possible as treasure they can. Finally, they collect two full bags of treasure and when they go little front and about to leave, Jack falls on ground because of bag’s weight, they both laugh at it but Robert notices that when Jack fell on the ground, the sound was like when fall on wooden thing and he gets suspicious about that and starts to clean the ground and there he finds a hidden wooden door. Jack and Robert see each other’s face and Robert tells Jack that we will go into that door. Jack replies that it was not there in the plan and we don’t know what is there behind that door, there may be another monster or species like Kintara again! Robert shakes his slowly and says “We are going in, are you coming with me or should I go by myself?” Jack agrees that he would go with him and they both go inside the door. They both go inside the door and start walking ahead and after 5-10 minutes, Both Jack and Robert are shocked and worried as they see something very shocking and unimaginable.
Robert and Jack say Adam that they will go near forest area because they have a doubt that there may be an attack from pirates, so they say goodbye to Adam and leave. Adam has strange feeling about this and slowly he starts to follow them. Adam follows them until the reach the cave and as soon as when he sees Jack & Robert enter inside the cave, his doubt about them that they were not officers turns into reality as soon as when he them going inside the cave. He returns to his village and tell everyone that those two are not officers but the treasure hunters. Adam also tells them that, they should go inside the cave and check that whether their dead bodies is still there or dragon has eaten it. Some primitives agree with Adam and they leave with him towards the cave, whereas some primitives stay in the village and think that Robert and Jack are dead inside the cave and it is waste to go inside the cave, but one thing to notice here is no primitives were scared to go inside the cave. Some still think that Robert and Jack were officers but a greedy one and due to their greed, they died in the hand of Dragon.
Adam along with his primitives starts to move towards the cave. They all go inside the cave and there they see a broken voice recorder, and they roam around but they only see some blood strains on the floor but they won’t find the dead bodies of both Jack and Robert. Even though it’s a land of primitives some how Adam manages to repair the voice recorder and brought it to the center of island where primitives live. When they start to hear the recordings, all primitives get shocked and now they know that they were fooled. All primitives were very curiously listening the tape and finally they reach the part where they can hear Robert and Jack fighting with dragon. At the end if the tape they hear that Robert screaming NO! and sound of recorder breaking into pieces. Adam and all other primitives laugh loudly as they come to conclusion that Robert and Jack were brutally killed by the dragon and they won’t take any tension about that and start to do their daily chores.
On the other side in the Kindle Island, some officers were investigating the gatekeeper and that gatekeeper was in shock. One investigator asks the gatekeeper that what actually happened near the gate. Gatekeeper starts to explain everything. He begins by saying that both he and another gatekeeper were sleeping near the gate and suddenly someone is choking him and as well as the other gatekeeper and he also says one had gun too. He continues to tell that one looked little bit old and another one was bit young, and he also tells that they looked shocked. He says that Both threatens them and ask them what is actually happening here and why Kindle Island is linked to that cave, he also says the younger one also shoots his bullet to the leg of another gatekeeper. Investigator asks did you tell them everything. He says yes. Investigators asks him to repeat everything that he told to them. He tells the older one was holding neck tightly and forces him to tell everything, gatekeeper begins by saying that “All these years Kindle Island is having control over the Fortune Island and they have been looting almost half of the total treasure from Kindle Island all these years. Those two dragons were also trained by our officers to kill the persons other than the officers of Kindle Island, and all those primitives are not the primitives they are the special officers of Kindle Island and we killed all the primitives in Kindle Island and those officers took their place just to protect the treasure and kill whoever comes to collect it. Gatekeeper also says that he asked with those guys that how did they even survive there and entered the door through that gate, he says in response they just ignored his question and hit him hard with his gun’s handle and also asked him about the Adam. He is a new officer and only English speaker in that island. Slowly gatekeeper stops talking and was about to fall down. At that time investigator asks him where are they? But before gatekeeper could tell anything he vomits blood and stops speaking and when they call doctor to check, doctor tell them that his pulse is down and he is dead.
Both Jack and Robert were in shock as they open the door and see a vast forest in front of them and two gatekeepers standing near the in front of them, they hold both gatekeepers neck and ask them to explain everything. As soon as gatekeeper finish his explanation, they both were in very angry mood and Jack stabs one of the gatekeeper and he dies there. Robert and Jack give some gold to the gatekeeper and tells him sit quietly here and not to tell anything. Robert also gives him water and both Jack and Robert run towards the port area and they climb a small boat and leave the island. Jack in the boat ask with Robert that how can we believe that gatekeeper, that he won’t tell anything? Robert laughs and tells him that he mixed poison to that water, he should die within 5 to 10 minutes.
Both Jack and Robert laugh and they slowly move towards their country with lot of golds in their bag.
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